Unlimited Daily Workouts!

Backed-By-Science, Proven Effective,

and tailored to your needs. for only $29

Start your 7-day free trial ↓


  • On your app’s home screen, you’ll be able to quickly view what your next training session is and anything new/featured on the app! You’ll also be able to easily navigate through everything! Your profile, training calendar, program options and previews, exclusive video content, and more…

exercise tracking

  • The app will tell you what exercises to do, when to do them, how to do it properly, and provide you data that allows you to progress week after week! Everything is displayed as you go through the workouts — RIR (gauge of effort), Rest Periods, Reps, Sets… It’s a done-for-you plan!

    This means that as long as you follow along in the app, you’re guaranteed to see progress. Time to stop stressing over what to do in the gym and avoid those aimless, ineffective training sessions, once and for all.


  • Avoid your training A.D.D. and end the monthly program-hopping! The Tailored Trainer app includes countless programs to help you achieve your goals. You'll never get bored, wonder what to do, or have trouble staying motivated. This means you’ll stay consistent and get results faster. And to make things even easier, the program selector helps you filter out what’s not best for you — leaving you with the absolute best training plans for you and your goals!

in-depth demos

  • Every single exercise inside the app has detailed instructions, in both written and visual form. You’ll know what muscles you should be targeting and feeling when doing the movement, you’ll visually see how it’s done (by Coach Cody), and you’ll have step-by-step written instructions on the same exact screen. This leaves zero room for error and drastically reduces injury risk, while drastically increasing effectiveness, of each exercise you perform in the gym.


  • After using the progrm selector, you’llknow which plan is likly best for you. But you will still have a few options, since the program library is vast! So to ensure you understand WHY the program you’ve selected is a great fit, or to simply make sure you feel that it truly is the best fit, every single program has a video walk through with Coach Cody — he explains the split, breaks down the focus, and tells you exactly what to expect. While also providing a written preview of the program below, so that you can SEE it with your own eyes, too!

exclusive content

  • In the Tailored Trainer Video Vault, you’ll gain access to hours and hours of unseen, science-based, coaching content! This exclusive content will teach you everything you need to know about training for muscle growth, fat loss, and sustainable progress in the gym. The education you’ll receive in this video library alone is worth tens of thousands of dollars!



Cody McBroom


Cody McBroom has been a personal trainer and online coach for over 13 years, working with everyone from your average individual in the gym — all the way to WWE Stars and Fitness Models. He started his journey as a young adult who was overweight, un-athletic, and lacking the confidence needed to excel in life… Which is when he found fitness and began his journey.

He then lost 50lbs of fat and built slabs of muscle, while educating himself in school and getting experience on the gym floor. Eventually this led him to stepping on stage to compete in Men’s Physique and building his own coaching company, Tailored Coaching Method, which is now a 7+ figure Online Fitness and Nutrition Coaching Company with a full staff of Coaches, Content Creators, and PhD Fitness Researcher.

Cody has the credentials, the experience, and the results to prove just how effective his methods are — all of which are now available and easily accessible, to you, within this app.

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 Contact us.

  • 28002 State Route 410 E. Unit-4

    Buckley, WA 98321

  • For questions, inquiries, or support, please email us at info@thetailoredtrainer.com

  • www.tailoredcoachingmethod.com
